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Kenngott Matador
France Version française
Photos by AG text by AG. From the collection of AG. Last update 2022-10-07 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from 1928 to 1928.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13618

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Kenngott 

A man named Wilhelm Kenngott, German of origin, settles down in Paris in 1894 where he set up a workshop of optical and mechanical precision. Its first lens would be the Rectilinear-Aplanat Cosmopolit by 1895. Its first shutter would be of 1898.
The Koilos, truly revolutionary at the time, dates of 1904 (the first patent is French... N 350.870 of April 21st, 1905 - It is only four years later that it will be patented in Germany.)
In 1901, Kenngott opens a store in Reutlingen to propose its productions.
In 1902, to manufacture industrially its shutter, he creates the " Wilhelm Kenngott Fabrik für photographische Präzisionsmomentverschlüsse " in Kalmbach ( Würtemberg) with as director Alfred Gauthier, also German, and also manufacturer of cameras

In 1910 , Alfred took control of the company, with a minority share of Carl Zeiss .
In 1914, Kenngott had to leave France . He died in 1919 , but the company Wilhelm Kenngott Stuttgart survived him until 1932.

Sources: Jean-Loup Princelle and Dieter Scheiba


Not yet translated into English

Ce modèle a corrigé la difficulté d'articulation des jambes d'abattant de son prédécesseur en simplifiant le mécanisme.
Mais il ne dispose plus du réglage de mise au point.
Il existe d'autres variantes, dotées d'obturateur et d'objectif différents, avec ou sans mise au point de la distance.


Kenngott Matador Survolez l'image

Cameras from Ebay France (Kenngott) (Uploaded each 3 hours)