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Silvestri SG612
France Version française
Photos by JPP text by JPP. From the collection of José Paula. Last update 2021-10-18 par Michel Rochevalier.

Manufactured or assembled in Italy from 1991 to (After) 1991.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13623

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Silvestri 

The Silvestri company is a family business based in Florence, Italy, producing since 1981 modern modular cameras for analogue and high-end digital backs. The Silvestri SG612 is an analogue panoramic camera for 6x12 cm frames on film 120. The camera was produced in 1991 and was the second model of the company. It was made initially for using the Schneider Super-Angulon 5,6/47mm and later expanded to other lenses by using additional modular rings. The camera has an optical viewfinder with internal bubble level, a lens protecting cage, and a handgrip to allow handheld use. No shift is provided as the panoramic format uses nearly all the available image circle. The back is a Silvestri modified Horseman 6x12 back. Focusing and composing can be made on a ground glass back equipped with bellows and magnifying lens.

The large format Schneider lenses have helical mount and are fitted through a dedicated Silvestri bayonet. This particular camera has a Schneider Super-Angulon XL with 58 mm of focal length and maximum aperture of 5.6. It is mounted on a Copal Press leaf shutter (automatic) delivering speeds in the range 1 to 1/125 plus B. Overall a high-quality analogue camera for panoramic photography.

Silvestri SG612 Survolez l'image
Silvestri SG612 ready for handheld photography

Silvestri SG612
Back with bellows for composing and focusing

Cameras from Ebay France (Silvestri) (Uploaded each 3 hours)