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Zeiss Ikon Ikonta (520/18 IT)
France Version française
Photos by JPH text by JPH. From the collection of Jean-Paul Houdan. Last update 2022-10-27 par Michel Rochevalier.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from 1931 to 1937.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13895

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Zeiss Ikon 

The small Ikonta is sometimes referred to as the "Baby Ikonta" or "Ikonta Miniature." It uses A8 film to produce 3 x 4 cm negatives and is incredibly compact, about the size of a cigarette case.

Here's what the Zeiss Ikon "advertisers" had to say about it in 1932:

"No bigger than a cigarette case, the Ikonta Miniature combines the ease of use of all Ikonta cameras with the well-known advantages of the 3 x 4 format. It's the ideal camera for capturing the thousand incidents of daily life and seizing interesting subjects instantly, without any preparations or calculations. It does not duplicate the larger, more advanced hand cameras, and it wonderfully complements the photographic equipment of the modern amateur.
With the Ikonta Miniature, as with all cameras in the family, various operations can be completed in seconds. Focusing is often unnecessary in good light, as all subjects are sharp with an aperture of 1:11, from a few meters to infinity.
All models of the Ikonta Miniature are equipped with high-aperture anastigmat lenses, known for their extreme sharpness, allowing for substantial enlargement, up to 18 x 24 at least.

It's a metal folding camera, covered with leather or imitation leather in the case of the more affordable versions (those with Novar lenses). The opening and activation are automatic. In other words, a simple press of the closing latch opens the bellows and positions it for use. It's worth noting that in practice, sometimes the bellows may need a little assistance to complete the last few degrees of opening.

There are numerous variations, combining different lenses (Novar or Tessar) and shutters (Derval, Telma, Compur, or Compur-Rapid). Here are some of them:"

Code Lens Shutter

520/18 E Novar 6.3/5 cm Derval
520/18 I Novar 4.5/5 cm Derval
520/18 IT  Novar 4.5/5 cm Telma
520/18 F Novar 3.5/5 cm Compur
520/18 F Novar 3.5/5 cm Compur-Rapid
520/18 U Tessar 4.5/5 cm. Compur
520/18 L Tessar 3.5/5 cm Compur
520/18 Lcr Tessar 3.5/5 cm Compur-Rapid


On the copy presented here, we see that Zeiss Ikon encountered problems with the quality of the paint, whether black or white.

This camera is one of the two most precious in my collection, it is my father's.


Zeiss Ikon Ikonta

Cameras from Ebay France (Zeiss Ikon) (Uploaded each 3 hours)