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Blair Hawk-Eye Junior
France Version française
Photos by Jean-François Weber text by Jean-François Weber. From the collection of Jean-François Weber. Last update 2024-01-28 par Jacques Bratieres.

Manufactured or assembled in USA from 1895 to 1898.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13967

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Blair 

The Hawk-Eye Junior appears in the Blair catalog in 1895, priced at nine dollars. From 1896 onwards, the price drops to eight dollars. It is a combination film/plate box camera. The film used is type 101, and the plates are mounted on a double frame. The negative format is 9 x 9 cm. It is made of wood covered with fine leather.

The main controls are located on the top of the camera:

- In front of the winding key, a small lever ensures triggering.
- A rod topped with a ball that moves in a notched grid allows for arming and selecting the speed. By moving the ball from right to left or left to right, the shutter is armed. Three speeds are available depending on the position of the rod in the notches of the grid.
- Between the winding key and the strap, an eye allows for viewing a frame counter calibrated from 1 to 25.
- Since the shots are square, there is only one viewfinder.
- A pull-out located on the right side allows selecting Time or Instant.
- The two circles to the right and left of the lens conceal the push buttons for opening the side doors. Once the doors are open, the film can be loaded.
- By removing the back, a double wooden frame can be installed.

The lens is located behind the shutter on an interior partition.

The lower part of the front bears the name and address of the manufacturer: The Blair Camera Co Makers Boston Mass USA (Mass for Massachusetts).

Blair Hawk-Eye Junior

Blair Hawk-Eye Junior

Cameras from Ebay France (Blair) (Uploaded each 3 hours)