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Adloff Nova
France Version française
Photos by Jacques Bratières text by Jacques Bratières. From the collection of Jacques Bratières. Last update 2023-09-25 par Jacques Bratieres.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from (Circa) 1938 to (After) 1938.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 7324

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Adloff 

The Nova was most likely built by Adloff as the body is identical to that of the Tex from Adloff Apparatebau. The hypothesis of a design by Fritz Kaftanski has been suggested without any supporting evidence1. The Nova appears under its own name in McKeown's.

The front of the Nova unfolds with a system of metal boxes that are precisely adjusted, the distance is set on the lens, and the aperture with a two-hole slide.

The Nova uses cartridges labeled Nova Hermes containing non-perforated 35mm film. Advancement is done with a wheel on the left; correct advancement is indicated by a white dot appearing in a small green window under the viewfinder. There is no frame counter.

Exposure recommendations are printed on the back of the camera.

This model was intended for export; there is a "Foreign" mention at the bottom of the back.

1 The Adloff cameras would partly use patents filed by Kaftanski, which in itself is not proof of the design of the camera by Kaftanski. It should also be noted that the typography of the word Nova is identical to that of Sidax. As the cameras are from the same era, it is not surprising to find such similarities, without it being sufficient to prove a common origin of the design.

Adloff Nova Survolez l'image

Cameras from Ebay France (Adloff) (Uploaded each 3 hours)