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Suter Zweiverschluss-Klapp-Kamera
France Version française
Photos by JPP text by JPP. From the collection of José Paula. Last update 2024-01-30 par Jacques Bratieres.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from (Circa) 1911 to (Circa) 1920.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 7479

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Suter 

Emil Suter, from Basel in Switzerland, manufactured lenses and cameras, but also imported from France and Germany products to sell under its own brand with more or less modifications.

This camera is basically the Zweiverschluss-Klapp-Kamera from Bülter & Stammer, which changed in 1921 to the Orionwerk Rio 70. McKeown refers the first for 1911 and the second for 1921. Although both models are very similar, this particular camera seems closer to the 1921 version by its bellows’ advance holders, although the automatic central shutter doesn’t. However the camera must have been made continuously between these dates, which precludes a precise date to be assigned, but most probably has been made before 1921. The camera can be seen in the catalogue of Grands Magasins du Louvre from 1913 as the Suter Appareil Pliant.

The camera is a double shutter type with focal plane plus a central shutter. It has a wooden casing covered by grainy black leather. At the top we find a Newton folding viewfinder and a bubble level. It has triple extension bellows with rack control. Focusing is over a lateral scale in meters.

The focal plane shutter has separate external controls for slit width (requiring internal observation) and spring tension over a numerical scale. No table for the resulting speeds is present on the camera body, thus making impossible to know the speed range (the catalogue of Les Grands Magasins du Louvre refers a maximum speed of 1/1000). The central shutter is a Gauthier IBSO automatic with speeds ranging from 1 to 1/100 plus B and T.

The lens is a patented Suter Basel Anastigmat series III no. 1, with 135 mm of focal length and maximum aperture of 5.

Suter Zweiverschluss-Klapp-Kamera
Suter Zweiverschluss-Klapp-Kamera 9 x 12

Cameras from Ebay France (Suter) (Uploaded each 3 hours)