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Asanuma Torel
France Version française
Photos by Arnaud Saudax text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of GR. Last update 2024-04-24 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Japan from (Circa) 1985 to (After) 1985.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 13004

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Asanuma 

The Micro 110 are tiny cameras for 110 cassette. It seems that several Asian manufacturers succumbed to a passing trend. They appeared at the 1986 Photokina.

These are minimalist cameras, all made of plastic. They are fragile. Their manufacturing cost destined them to become gadgets or advertising media. Their production is Asian.

They can be found in several types:

    Made in Misc.

Type 1 : Minimalist design. The cassette is very thinly enclosed. The viewfinder has only one frame.
3M Micro 110 Taïwan  
Type 2 : The front part is complete, the cassette is only visible from the back. The viewfinder consists of two frames.
3M Micro-110    
3M Chat   A cover shaped like an animal or a hamburger with a small clock protects the front face.
3M Hamburger  
Type 3 : The cassette cover is partial. The camera is angular.
3M PF Micro 110 Hong Kong The original model is located at Haking.
3M La Poste Hong Kong  
Type 4 : The cassette cover is partial. The camera is more rounded. The viewfinder consists of two frames..
3M Gorgio The film winding is located on the front face.
Type 5 : The cassette is fully protected. The viewfinder has only one frame.
3M AC 110 China A part of the front face lifts up to form the viewfinder.
Type 6 : The cassette is thinly enclosed. The upper part is thicker and incorporates a viewfinder in the "hood".
3M Mini 110   also as Super 110
Type 7 : A folding camera to make it even smaller when there is no cassette.
3M Mini-Shot   The part containing the film advance wheel folds back.
Type 8 : Hood incorporating a viewfinder
3M Petra RX 110    
Type 9 : The cassette is fully protected.
3M Quelle Hong Kong Angular camera
Type 10 : Similar to type 1, but the "hood" covers both ends of the cassette.
3M Micro 110 Taïwan  
Type 11 : Closed camera. The shutter button is located on the front face.
3M Mini 110    
Type 12 : Only one end of the cassette is protected.
3M Torel   Appears to be from the same manufacturer as type 1.
Type 13 : closed camera
3M Sunpet Micro 110    

In 1986, Haking filed patent No. GB 2198251 corresponding to type 3. The inventor's name is Kwok Yan Chan.


The blue for the Canadian flag is strange.

Asanuma Torel

Cameras from Ebay France (Asanuma) (Uploaded each 3 hours)