Meyer Primotar
Presented by Pascal V.

Brand: Meyer
Model: Primotar
Made in: Allemagne (ex-RDA) Allemagne

Lenght: 135 mm Type: Téléobjectif
Maximum aperture: 3,5 Minimum aperture: 22
Made from: Serial number: To: Serial number:
Optical formula: Focusing mode: Manuelle
Minimum focusing: 160 cm (metric) Macro: Non
Mount: Baïonnette Exacta Multi-coated:
Lenght maxi: 157 (mm) Lenght mini: 143 (mm)
Diameter maxi: 60 (mm)    
Weight: 450 (g.)    
Filter mount: (mm)  
Central shutter: Non Number of blades: 15
Integrated filter: Hood: Intégré
Angle of view: 18° Macro ratio:
Meyer Primotar
Meyer Primotar
Meyer Primotar

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