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Kodak Petite
France Version française
Photos by MP text by Sylvain Halgand. Last update 2023-04-14 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in USA from 1929 to (Before) 1934.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 14393

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Kodak 

The Kodak Petite are a series of very elegant small folding cameras, intended for female customers.
Technically similar to the Vest Pocket mod B, they differ by the painted metal parts, a sheathing with diamond patterns and a colored bellows. From austere black we therefore move on to a palette of colors: : blue, grey, green, lavander and pink. The Petite was sold with a case of the same color.

The bellows being the most fragile part of the camera, it often happens that the original bellows have been replaced by a black bellows.

The Kodak catalogs of the time (1929) announce ... the color:

Colored Cameras
To meet the mode, many Eastman cameras may now be obtained in color, but in order that fashion's dictates may be observed to the minute, no specific color program can be announced in a book of this kind. It may be accepted as fact, however, that various Eastman cameras, as announced in national advertising, will take full advan-tage of fashion's trend, both as to color and design. A flexible program of this kind enables the Kodak Company not only to follow the color vogue, but, as far as available merchandise is concerned, to be a little ahead. In other words, here's one more exam-ple of Eastman enterprise. As a result of this policy, you can be sure that the line of Eastman colored cameras on view at your Kodak dealer's is in strict conform-ance with the latest decree of Paris and other color style centers. And you can be sure, as well, that while bright, tasteful hues may be much in evidence, there has been no interference with the time-honored picture-making ability of the cameras themselves. First and foremost, they are efficient photographic instruments. Style and color effects follow with no sacrifice whatever to optical or mechanical efficiency. Whether you want the camera for yourself or as a gift that you know will be welcomed, the Eastman line of colored models is some-thing you ought to see.



Kodak Petite

Cameras from Ebay France (Kodak) (Uploaded each 3 hours)