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Echassoux et Ducom Pankoras
France Version française
Photos by - text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of -. Last update 2015-03-13 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from (Circa) 1900 to (After) 1902.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 2241

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Echassoux et Ducom 

Traduction de Manuel M

The cameras built/structure under this name by MM Echassoux and Ducom are addressed to the serious amateurs, with those which knew to understand that photography did not only consist in “pressing the button”. These cameras were studied to give to the operator the maximum of resources with the minimum of mechanism.
The plates are enclosed in simple, light and sure chassis; six of these chassis find their position in a compartment making function of cartridge; six others are distributed in the pockets or are enclosed in a case.
The body of the camera is established under two distinct forms Jumelle and Detective, both provided with the double off-centring and the automatic focusing by ring with helical slot. In the two types, the viewfinder, with plumb line and eyepiece, is interdependent of movements of the small plank of lens, which ensures an definite location in the event of off-centring, and a impeccable setting of plates.

Price. - Pankoras are provided with twelve simple chassis and a fabric bag to the following conditions:

Jumelle 9 x 12, obj. anast. Goerz 370 francs
- - - Français 310 francs
Detective 9 x 12, obj. anast. Goerz 310 francs
- - - Français 230 francs

(On demand, the cameras can be established with all lenses of 130 mm approximately of focal distance)

Echassoux et Ducom Pankoras

Cameras from Ebay France (Echassoux et Ducom) (Uploaded each 3 hours)