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Zeiss Ikon Colora F (10.0641)
France Version française
Photos by Sylvain Halgand text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of Sylvain Halgand. Last update 2022-12-11 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from 1964 to 1965.
Index of rarity in France: Frequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 3

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Zeiss Ikon 

Chronologically, the Colora F is after the Symbolica and Continette and everything gives the impression that quality is plummeting.

Even the general shape of the camera is not very original since it is that of Voigtländer models of the same period. A priori, not enough to write a novel! This model however presents a small originality. It is fitted with an accessory shoe, this one unlocks thanks to a latch on the back of the top cover. The accessory shoe lifts by tilting backwards, to transform into a flash for AG-1 bulb.

Zeiss Ikon Colora F Survolez l'image

Cameras from Ebay France (Zeiss Ikon) (Uploaded each 3 hours)