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Eho Altissa Eho-Box
France Version française
Photos by DF text by -. From the collection of DF. Last update 2022-10-23 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from 1938 to (After) 1938.
Index of rarity in France: Frequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 10814

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Eho Altissa 

The term "Eho-Box" is the generic name for a series of metal boxes manufactured during the 1930s. There is only one model made of bakelite, the 110E.

The only way to distinguish them is by a reference number, but since this number is not always present, precise identification can sometimes be challenging. Visible differences in these cameras can range from significant ones like format variations to minor ones related to aesthetics. The quality of the materials used in their construction is generally mediocre, with the metal often showing signs of oxidation, and they are typically covered with decorative fabric.
There are also rare variants in different colors. Some models feature a lens signed by Rodenstock, while others have an original viewfinder.


Eho Altissa Eho-Box


Short history EHO Altissa written according to the information present on the site:

Foundation in April 1904 of Photographische Manufaktur Engineer Richard Knoll
In March 1926, taken of charge by Emil Hofert
The July 4, 1927, the company becomes Fabrik photographischer Artikel Emil Hofert vorm. Richard Knoll His head office is established in Dresden, to the 6 EilenburgerStrasse.
In March 1931, dissolution and re-registration with the register companies under the new name of Emil Hofert Eho Kamera-Fabrik Emil Hofert GMBH. The company will be called later Eho Kamera-Fabrik Emil Hofert GMBH counts at this time approximately 30 employees.
In January 1935, after the death of Emil Hofert, his collaborator, Berthold Altmann starts again the company. Is followed from there a new registration under the name of Eho Kamera-Fabrik Emil Hofert GMBH Berthold Altmann owner.
In 1937, the Company moves in N° 38 of LortzingStrasse, its personnel did to 60 colleagues meanwhile.
In 1940, the registration is renewed in Amca-Camera-Werk Berthold Altmann (Amca for Altmann-cameras.)
In 1941, new designation Altissa-Camera-Werk Berthold Altmann.
In 1945, the factory is completely destroyed at the time of the raid of the February 13/14th bombardment which razes practically the city of Dresden.
In 1946, the business starts again in N° 17 of BlasewitzerStrass with about thirty employees.
In 1948, foundation of one second company, The Aldo-Feingeräte GMBH. Simple microscopes and special accessories for movie cameras produced at the same place. On the whole, more than 100 persons are employed in the two companies.
In 1951, the company, still under private status, employs 160 collaborators on the whole.
In 1952, GDR issues the nationalization of the establishments. Berthold Altmann goes to be established in West Germany, but one doesn’t know if it made this choice before or after expropriation. The company is called now VEB OPTIK Altissa-Camera-Werk and is placed under the control of VVB OPTIK of Jena.
In 1953, the workforce counts approximately 300 employees. The company is now placed directly under the control of the ministry and is called VEB Altissa-Camera-Werk.
In 1958, studies are undertaken aiming at integrating the establishment in a group designate VEB Kamera- und Kinowerke Dresden.
In 1959, implementation of integration: the administrative department and manufacture are separated, the production still remaining at the same place initially, legal independence ends and the name Altissa disappears.

With beginning of the year 60, liquidation of the last produced models and final stop of manufacture.

Cameras from Ebay France (Eho Altissa) (Uploaded each 3 hours)