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Photo-Sport Folding métallique série K
France Version française
Photos by - text by Eric Borel. From the collection of -. Last update 2019-11-16 par Michel Rochevalier.

Manufactured or assembled in France from (Before) 1911 to (After) 1911.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 6283

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Photo-Sport 

Photo-Sport was a distributor of cameras, accessories, and photographic chemicals. It appears to have been active from 1898 until the beginning of World War II.

Under its own brand name and with specific model names, Photo-Sport resold cameras from various manufacturers. If you compare the number of Photo-Sport models listed in catalogs to the number of cameras found and attributed to this brand, it is possible that not all cameras were labeled as Photo-Sport. Over the years, the proportion of exclusive models in the catalogs significantly decreased. Towards the end, Photo-Sport was primarily a reseller.

Photo-Sport was initially located at 22 Rue Caumartin in Paris, very close to the Opera, then moved to 56 Rue Caumartin before World War I, and finally to 71 Rue Caumartin around 1930, gradually moving closer to Gare Saint-Lazare.
From the catalogs, it is known that the first director, and possibly the founder, was named Georges de Corbin.


Not yet translated into English

L'origine de ces chambres pliantes prête souvent à controverse, d'autant que les illustrations des catalogues ne sont pas toujours très fidèles. Ici, on nous parle d'une chambre entièrement métallique, mais le dessin nous montre un modèle qui a gardé son corps en bois... La description du porte-objectif, en U d'une rigidité parfaite ne correspond pas non plus à l'image.

La diversité des objectifs et des obturateurs proposés laisse penser que Photo-Sport pourrait avoir un rôle d'assembleur, mais des constructeurs comme Jousset devaient aussi pouvoir livrer des appareils complets, y compris avec des objectifs gravés au nom du distributeur...

Ces petites chambres pliantes 9 x 12 ont constitué l'équipement de base de plusieurs générations de photographes amateurs.

Photo-Sport Folding métallique série K

Cameras from Ebay France (Photo-Sport) (Uploaded each 3 hours)