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Samsung NV15
France Version française
Photos by text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of -. Last update 2020-09-01 par Michel Rochevalier.

Manufactured or assembled in from 2007 to (After) 2008.
Index of rarity in France: Frequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 9207

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Samsung 

Already present in the photography market since the late 1980s, the Samsung Group also had significant expertise in the consumer electronics sector by 2000. Consequently, Samsung quickly ventured into the development of digital cameras.
Unfortunately, the brand lacked recognition among photographers and was unable to generate significant interest in its camera models. Efforts to collaborate with established camera or lens manufacturers failed to achieve the desired results, as Samsung remained too focused on its own approach. Despite offering cameras with innovative features, sales never took off. In 2015, Samsung withdrew from the camera market, shifting its focus to smartphones (in addition to more traditional markets like home appliances).



Not yet translated into English

Le NV15 ne diffère du NV20 que par son capteur, les autres caractéristiques techniques restant les mêmes.

On reconnaît facilement les appareils de la série NV par leur aspect très sobre.  Ils sont noirs avec un mince filet bleu à la base de l'objectif. Si depuis le premier modèle de la série, le NV10, l'aspect reste le même, les solutions techniques varient au gré des modèles successifs. On a vu que le NV3 à ce titre s'était un peu écarté de lignée.

Si les NV15 et NV20 semble assez classiques, ils marquent une amélioration de l'objectif et du traitement de l'image par rapport au NV10. Il leur manque malheureusement une focale de grand-angle. 

Samsung NV15

Cameras from Ebay France (Samsung) (Uploaded each 3 hours)